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41 'love' tagged icons

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Vector icon of heart
Vector icon of smartphone in hand under Wi-Fi signal sign inside heart shape
Love WiFi
Vector icon of heart under human hand
Hand on heart
Vector icon of man and woman under broken heart
Vector icon of smartphone in hand under Wi-Fi signal sign inside heart shape
Love WiFi
Vector icon of hand holding heart
Heart on hand
Vector icon of heart under human hand
Hand on heart

Vector icon of broken heart
Broken heart
Vector icon of man and woman holding hands under heart
Couple in love
Vector icon of scissors on cutting line between man and woman
Vector icon of hand with horns gesture against heart
Love rock
Vector icon of waiter running with heart on platter in his hand
Catering with love
Vector icon of heart with fork inside
Healthy eating
Vector icon of man running inside red heart
Running is life
Vector icon of hand with horns gesture against heart
Love rock
Vector icon of heart served with cutlery
Fork heart knife
Vector icon of heart over house
Home sweet home
Vector icon of eye with heart in pupil
Eye love you
Vector icon of hand holding heart
Vector icon of wireless signal going from heart
Heart with WiFi
Vector icon of raised index finger under Wi-Fi signal sign inside heart shape
Love sharing
Vector icon of scissors on cutting line between man and woman profiles
Vector icon of male profile with heart inside head
Man in love
Vector icon of heart under human hand
Hand on heart
Vector icon of scissors on cutting line between woman and man profiles
Vector icon of female profile with heart inside head
Woman in love
Vector icon of heart with young shoots growing up inside
Ecology health
Vector icon of heart under magnifying glass
Dating search
Vector icon of scissors on cutting line between woman and man
Vector icon of arrow in heart
Vector icon of opened envelope with heart inside
Love letter
Vector icon of mobile phone in hand with no likes social media notification
No love
Vector icon of heart served with syringe and spoon
Love drugs
Vector icon of heart
Vector icon of social media notification about no likes
No likes
Vector icon of hot cup with heart on saucer
Favorite coffee
Vector icon of hand holding heart
Vector icon of two hands with horns gesture against heart
Rock in heart
Vector icon of heart with musical note inside
Love music
Vector icon of heart in glasses
Geek in love
Vector icon of heart with keyhole
Heart keyhole